The Architectural Association
RIBA Part 3 case study - Priddy Square, Croydon
The purpose of this document is to set out AA Architect’s appraisal for the feasibility of developing The Priddy Square Site for a potential client, PYDL. The document evaluates key factors of the Business Case and will thus determine the level of commercial viability for any potential development. The information in this document has been compiled to prepare advice for the client submission and is also intended to guide AA Architects on determining the suitability of this project within our evolving portfolio of high quality and sustainable mixed-use schemes. The document also contains a proposal for AA Architect’s full scope commission for RIBA Stages 0-6 should the project commence.
Project Summary
The site is located in the Central Croydon Conservation area, considered to be the commercial and civic heart of the borough. It has also been designated as an Archaeological Priority Zone with previous archaeological finds including Mesolithic, Neolithic and Roman artefacts. The conservation area includes significant heritage assets such as the 16th Century Grade I Listed Whitgift Almshouses, previously known as the ‘Hospital of the Holy Trinity’ and the Surrey Street Market, one of the oldest Markets in London still in continuous use. Currently the predominant land uses in the conservation area are commercial and retail.